Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Frustrated Post.... Tighten your F**cking Core.

You picked up that box without a second thought. Your back was hunched, and your muscles were strained. Don't you realize what you're risking?? Bend with your knees!!! How hard is that to remember???

I say over and over that we need to strengthen our cores. I don't know how to convey to people how important that is. So maybe I should stop trying. People try to get me to stop drinking so much coffee.... I know it'd be better for me if I did. And I don't do anything about it. But so... I'm a hypocrite. Who cares.

I'll end up dehydrated with a weak immune system and shitty sleeping patterns. If you don't take care of your back, you'll ruin your life. If my entire life didn't revolve around a miracle... around the freak outcome of a 30-foot drop.... I'd be typing this from a wheelchair. And in fact, I probably wouldn't be typing this at all.

Your. Whole. Life. depends on you taking care of your back. Your WHOLE life!!! Figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. As they say, lift with your legs. It's good for the muscles, it's good for the bones.

    And Sarah... decaf... please!
