Monday, February 4, 2013


It's been about 5 months since I left BrightTALK, a company that I spent 3.5 years with.  Tonight an ex-colleague sent me a picture of another ex-colleague's new baby.

And I realized - I still miss working there. I started missing it about 3 weeks out.  And I still do.  I miss those connections I made, the relationships I built. I don't regret leaving the company and am happy about the choices I've made. But I'm sad over the loss of what I once had.

So, I think that's life. Always moving and growing. Always letting go of things that no longer serve you. But living with the occasional sadness that comes with leaving things behind.

I could make this REAL depressing and tell you how I think that as I continue to move forward and continue to let things go, I'll just have more and more sadness to live with.  And that as you age, there's this pile of sadness that you just have to accept because "that's life."  And soon there will be so much sadness that therapy is pointless and Prozac is the only answer.

But that would be negative and defeatist. And that's not me.