Saturday, December 12, 2009

send it off the mat

instead of my practice this morning being all about myself, i dedicated it to my sister.
i'd been feeling, seeing, sensing ... that i needed to venture out of my head, out of my body ... for a change. it's a beautiful place to be, just not the only place to be.

i've never done that before, dedicated my yoga to another person. it's MY yoga. me, alone, mine.

balance, remember?

share your yoga.

send it off that mat.

breathe for your neighbor.
breathe in a way that will remind them to breathe.
and guess what, they're doing it for you too. doesn't that feel good?

les said today, dedicate your practice to someone else for a change. think of someone in your life who you would want to share this with.

i thought of my sister and my mom immediately... and then i went off and thought of someone else. tried him on for a second or two. mmmm wasn't sure it was the right thing for me. then les said right before we began the first asana, "who ever you thought of first, that's the right one."

my sister.

i felt the love i have for my sister. how i want nothing more than for her to feel balanced and happy and calm. i sent that out to her. i felt like i was wrapping her up in it. which wrapped me in it too.
warm and loving and embracing.

see what happens when we give?
so full.
fill it up.

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